Business and Marketing Intelligence
Program Analytics-Business Intelligence
Having accurate, secure and role relevant information real-time available allow pharmaceutical companies to manage their programs and apply corrective action as identified and measure the effectiveness of any applied changes to the program. MedFusion complies with applicable privacy laws and data protection laws, regulations and directives, as well as privacy and data protection requirements as required by our clients. Our online Management and Referral System (MARS) provides exceptional reporting capabilities internally and to our clients. This information is invaluable business intelligence for our clients about their programs.
Business intelligence is the commercial equivalent of evidence-based clinical decision making. Healthcare professionals use clinical evidence to support diagnoses to develop care plans and to evaluate outcomes for patients. In the same way, our clients use financial and operational evidence provided by the patient registry to support decisions to develop plans and monitor the progress of their businesses.
The clinical setting has financial and operational evidence to support business decisions, develop business plans and evaluate business performance as well. While ensuring that we maintain the confidentiality of patients, de-identified data can be provided to support business decisions.
Some examples include the need to:
- anticipate patient activity
- anticipate the resources needed and the costs involved
- find ways of continuously improving the efficiency of operations
- promote your strengths in providing coverage for marketing purposes
- support decisions that have a long-term, strategic impact on your organisation and how resources are allocated to achieve your goals
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